Rules And FAQ
General rules and information that apply to all our events
Event Rules
Mucky Boots Events comply with UK and Welsh Athletics rules:
Minimum ages (on race day): Marathon & Half Marathon - 18; 10k - 16; 5k -12. Applies to Trail and Canicross categories.
Participants must begin the race during the official start and run the course as marked.
Any participant unsure of their physical ability to take part should take medical advice from a general practitioner prior to the event.
No aids, such as roller-skates, baby joggers, in line blades, nordic sticks, cycles or other non-official wheeled vehicles are permitted on the course.
No animals are permitted on the course except Canicross competitors.
All participants must write their name and details of any health problems or medication on the reverse of the race number, which must be worn unfolded and must be visible throughout the race.
Mucky Boots Events retains the right to refuse entry to anyone declaring false information on their entry form, not making the required payment, or otherwise failing to meet the stated entry requirements.
All participants take part at their own risk and a disclaimer waiving all claims against the race and any party acting on its behalf must be completed by all entrants.
All participants MUST carry appropriate clothing for the time of year and prevailing weather conditions on the day, remembering to account for any altitude gain and/or exposure on the course.
All participants must wear a race chip in order for them to receive a time.
By taking part, all participants confirm that they are happy for their names and any footage or photographs taken during their participation in the race to be used to publicise Mucky Boots events.
All participants must acknowledge and agree that personal information (including medical information entered on my race number or collected by event medical staff during or after the Event) can be stored, used and disclosed by Mucky Boots Events in connection with the organisation and administration of the event, and for the compilation of statistical information. In doing so, we undertake to respect your privacy.
If a participant becomes ill during or after the Event and/or receive medical attention or treatment either from event medical staff, St John Ambulance, or any doctor or hospital, they must authorise such persons to provide details (including details of medical treatment) to the Medical Director of Mucky Boots Events or others so authorised.
Any participant withdrawing during the race must advise a marshal or other race official as soon as possible.
Race Officials reserve the right, in their sole discretion, to modify, supplement or waive all of the Official Rules. Participants shall be bound by any modification or supplement of the Official Rules published prior to the race.
In accordance with UK Athletics rules, any runners wearing devices requiring headphones will run the risk of disqualification. This is a safety issue as some routes are run partly on open roads.
In accordance with UK Athletics rules, runners may not unofficially substitute. If a runner is not able to participate for any reason then full details of any substitute must be supplied to the organisers on or before the entry closing date. Unofficial substitutions can have very serious consequences in the event of an incident, where incorrect medical action may be taken or the wrong next of kin informed. Any failure to comply with this rule will be reported to the governing body and may result in a significant ban.
We don’t like people who toss litter. Help us to keep our fabulous locations fabulous and carry your empty bottle to the next disposal point. Tossers risk being banned from future events. Please don’t be a tosser.
Bergen Challenge - some events include a Bergen Challenge category. In this category, participants complete the event with a 15kg weighted rucksack. It is the participant’s responsibility to provide the rucksack and ballast. Rucksacks will be checked by race officials and may be weighed at either the start, the finish, or both.
Canicross categories - for specific Canicross rules, please refer to our Canicross page.
In the event of a pandemic outbreak or other such circumstances beyond our control meaning the race cannot go ahead as planned, it will become a virtual event.
This page contains our general rules. Some events have their own specific rules, please check the “Essential Information” section on your event page.
Failure to follow these Official Rules, as may be amended, will result in immediate disqualification, loss of prize money and ejection from the race course.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a course time limit? Usually no, but please check “Essential Information” on the event page as some categories in some events do have a cut-off.
When will I receive my confirmation letter? All online entrants are sent a confirmation email immediately. We can resend confirmation emails, but please wait 24 hours and check your junk folder before requesting a resend.
Have I been accepted? Your confirmation e-mail is proof of your acceptance in to the race.
Can I enter on the day? No, only participants entered by the published closing date will be able to race.
What does my entry fee cover? Entry in to the race, microchip timing facilities, race goodies, and a memento.
How do I get my race number? Numbers will be sent by post before the race - please keep your registered postal address up to date.
Where is the Expo being held? Event HQ will be listed under “Essential Information” on the event page.
Where do I register? You will receive your bib in the post before race day, so there is no longer any need to register on the day. Your attendance will be registered by the chip timing when you cross the start line.
Do you transport baggage from the start to the finish? Sorry, no, this facility is not available.
Where does the race start and finish? Please refer to “Essential Information” on the event page.
I keep seeing /// and W3W references, what is this? W3W, or what 3 words, is a highly accurate geo-location grid that we are using to assist participants, race officials, and emergency services. Each set of three words uniquely identify a 10m x 10m square, and the three red slashes are shorthand to indicate a w3w reference. We strongly recommend all participants download the w3w app onto their phones before the event.
Are there feeding stations on the course? Yes, on 10k courses and above, location will be marked on course map.
Is first aid available? Yes, first aid will be at Race HQ and mobile on the course.
What will I receive when I finish the challenge? All challenge runners will receive race goodies and a memento at the finish.
Do you award medals to finishers? No, in line with our desire to make our events as sustainable as possible we award finishers a memento that is useful and/or reusable.
When will results be available? Results will be available as the runners come in. They will be on line (on our timing partner’s site) by early evening. Runners that have given their mobile phone numbers will be texted with their individual times shortly after the race.
Can I get a refund or defer my place if I am unable to participate? Sorry, we are unable to offer refunds or deferrals if entrants are no longer able to participate. We suggest that you sell your place to a friend, then please follow the instructions in your confirmation email to complete the transfer in our entry system. Note that no replacements can be accepted after entry closing date.